on the development

It's another year of hot summer, and it's the season to show your arms and legs, those girls whose skin is already white and tender, delicate and smooth, will naturally not hesitate to wear beautiful short sleeves, suspenders, short skirts, shorts, dermes hairlessetc., spend this "refreshing summer" as they wish, but for the hair on the arms and legs grow like A girl who has hair on her arms and legs grow like A girl who has hair on her arms and legs grow like

Why do we girls have heavy sweat hair as well?

A man with a lot of leg hair is like a "walking hormone," according to legend. In fact, not only men, but also women's endocrine organs such as pituitary gland, adrenal glands and ovaries also secrete certain androgens, when women's androgen levels increase, it will directly lead to an increase in the number of hairs, especially the upper lip beard, severe ear, cheek, chin hair also increases (commonly known as beard), chest, back, lower abdomen, arms and thighs too much hair.

In addition to the hair distribution characteristics of men, these hairy sweat hair seriously affect the aesthetic, and are sometimes accompanied by certain masculine tendencies, such as increased throat knots, low voice, and so on. Although far from the Monkey King hair all over the body so exaggerated, but happens in women, these hairy sweat hair seriously affect the aesthetic, and are nicknamed "hairy monkey", "female man", dermesand so on. "Female man" and other females are common.

What about the "hirsute" ladies?

Because "hirsutism" is mainly caused by high androgen levels, if there are no other health problems, the most common and relatively safe response is "hair removal". Some people are concerned that hair removal will interfere with sweat gland production, but hair removal actually works on the hair in the hair follicles, which are two separate tissues from the sweat glands. The sweat glands are located right next to the hair follicle, where hair grows. Hair removal does not destroy sweat glands, and it has no effect on sweat gland secretion.

Is hair removal harmful to my health?

Hair removal only affects the hair by targeting the melanin, and has no effect on the development of the social tissue surrounding us students, let alone the ability of the deeper tissues. Consider laser hair removal, which many people are skeptical of. There is a need for companies to accept certain risks, such as the fact that during the hair removal process, there will still be some slight stinging sensation, there may also be a mild burning sensation after surgery, the local skin will appear mild erythema and follicular papules, but they will generally disappear gradually within a few hours. dermesThe more serious side effects are a little more severe, in that patients will experience purpura, blistering, temporary hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation under individual guidance, though most of our country will recover after a few months.

To reduce side effects, we must use strict sun protection before and after surgery, because sunlight can activate melanocytes, causing side effects such as hyperpigmentation, and we must also apply ice during and after surgery to reduce pain and postoperative edema. Furthermore, it is not recommended for pregnant women due to the stinging sensation and the stimulation of pain, which may cause contractions. Because some people are sensitive to laser stimulation, experimental treatment can be done locally in a few spots to ensure there is no problem before mass treatment.

Methods of hair removal that are commonly used.

Shaving: Shaving only targets the surface of the skin hair and is not long-term. New hair will grow back in a few days, but shaving is by far the safest way to remove hair as long as you don't scratch yourself.

Plucking: Plucking sounds painful, and stimulating plucking can make the skin susceptible to folliculitis, so the procedure requires special care. However, plucking has the advantage of lasting a long time, six to eight weeks.

Hair removal creams: The most common active ingredient in hair removal creams is mercaptoacetate, which dissolves the hair into a "gel" that can then be easily "wiped off". This method is quick and painless, but it only lasts about 2 weeks, and the smell of most hair removal creams is unpleasant and may cause allergies in some people.

Waxing: While waxing is less painful than plucking, it is only effective if hair is removed during the growth phase. If we simply want to improve our ability to achieve a more analytical and precise hair removal effect on localized hairs, such as their face moustache, eyebrow refinement, and bikini area, businesses can learn beeswax hair removal as an alternative.

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