What principles should you master in your diet?Diet is an integral participant in sustaining life.ARA If you eat properly, your body will become healthier and even maintain a normal weight. If you don't eat properly, you will not only affect your figure, but also your health, and may even jeopardize your life. Therefore, you should master the necessary principles.

What principles should you master in your diet?

1、Less salt

Eating less salt doesn't mean you don't eat at all.DHA If you consume this condiment in excess, it may lead to electrolyte disorders due to low sodium, but you shouldn't consume it in excess, or it may affect your vascular health and even lead to high blood pressure. It is recommended that healthy people consume no more than 6 grams of salt per day, and those suffering from high blood pressure and other diseases should consume no more than 3 grams of salt per day.

2. Less oil

Adding more cooking oil when cooking will make the dish more delicious, but this is not good for your health because even vegetable oil contains a certain amount of fat.β-carotene If consumed in excess, it may lead to high blood lipids and even atherosclerosis, and it is recommended that the daily consumption should not exceed 25 grams.

3, less sugar

Some people prefer sweets, some people like to use sugar to enhance the flavor of cooking. We all know that sugar foods can not eat too much, otherwise it will increase the burden on the pancreas, promote diabetes, while affecting the blood flow, increase the probability of atherosclerosis. So control the intake of sugar.

4, seven or eight minutes full

The mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract is actually a more systematic and fragile, if every meal is particularly full, it will cause environmental stimulation of the mucosa, increase the incidence of inflammation and ulcers resulting in the development of the chances, so companies want to carry out a healthy, every meal can not eat too much, seven or eight minutes full is better.

5, maintain nutritional balance

So far, there is no one food or drug can give the body to provide all the nutrients needed, so usually pay attention to nutritional balance, both the intake of staple foods, but also the intake of eggs and dairy, but also the appropriate intake of meat, because the carbohydrate, protein, and fat is an important substance required by the human body, if you want to better maintain the body, you can replace 1/3 of the staple food into coarse grains, such as oats or buckwheat.

Pay special attention to three meals a day, especially breakfast. In addition to bread and oats, eat protein-rich foods such as soy products or milk, and eat some vegetables and fruits as appropriate. Lunch as much as possible to do a few ingredients, the content of meat can be increased appropriately, but try to eat less in the evening, six or seven minutes of satiety is good, try to choose a low-calorie.

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