sex toys

Every couple wants to have a harmonious sex life and maintain a harmonious app controlled sex toy But as the age of marriage grows, the passion will slowly fade and sex life will become boring, so it is very important to master the skills of sex life.

Master these five tricks in sex life, make sex more passionate!

1 on the female body praise

Because we have been affected by the traditional Chinese cultural thinking, let the body naked when women will have a sense of inferiority and shame, they will focus all their attention on the defects of the place such as small breasts or other body fat, app controlled sex toy which will affect the learning of their sexual pleasure. Men should appreciate the attitude, give women can encourage and praise, so that they can not only for physical and mental development to be fully relaxed, improve self-confidence.

2 mobilize the atmosphere

Because women are sensitive, their sense of hearing, smell and vision in the process of sex are in an open state, might as well give them a good sex environment, romantic lighting and sweet words, which will stir up the atmosphere, stimulate their libido. Gentle foreplay before sex is essential, which shows their appreciation of their app controlled sex toy So proper caressing such as touching, hugging or kissing is needed before making love.

3 To pay attention to women's feelings

Sex is a matter of two people, an interactive process, to have tacit understanding. Pay more attention to women's feelings, keep communicating and observe their reactions. Considerate behavior will make them feel app controlled sex toy Because everyone's physique is different, sexually sensitive areas are also very different, and the way they want to be caressed is also different, so keep communicating.

4 Mingle with women physically and mentally

Women want to be mentally and physically satisfied during sex. So, before having sex, connect with them emotionally, listen to their concerns and anxieties, and pay attention to what they need in order to have a perfect sex life.

5 Avoid inappropriate sexual requests

When female patients are not feeling well or too tired, they cannot fulfill the request for sex, which will make them resentful and may even lead to app controlled sex toy Wrong time management request for sex will make them subconsciously resist themselves, which affects the sexual feelings as well as for the feelings between husband and wife relationship.

It's true that you're tired after sex, but men can't fall asleep. Because women's sexual arousal is slow, and orgasm is also very slow to subside, give some stimulation after intercourse, such as hugging or kissing, to help them slowly subside. Both parties communicate and change the environment and time of sex life appropriately.