
Electric vehicles have long been the mainstream transportation on the market. Short trips, no traffic jams, low cost of car. These advantages can not be reached by the car.

Due to the huge demand in the Chinese market, in recent years, China's major electric car companies are plowing technology, one of the most important parts and components industry is the battery, for example, from the initial lead-acid batteries, to today has gradually begun to occupy a large share of graphene batteries and lithium batteries. Electric vehicles equipped with battery products are more and more rich in variety, however,lithium ion battery assembly information technology continues to iterate so far, lead-acid batteries have not been replaced by lithium batteries with better performance, which is why we?

From a long-term perspective, in the same volume, lithium batteries are lighter in weight, better range performance; compared with traditional lead-acid batteries, graphene battery life, charging time, range performance and better, obviously there are better alternatives, why lead-acid batteries are not replaced?

1. Mature technology and high cost performance

From the production process alone, lead-acid batteries have been on the market for decades, is the most mature brand of batteries, the most stable performance, the highest adaptability to electric vehicles. In terms of manufacturing costs, the advantages of lead-acid batteries are even more obvious. In other words, lead-acid batteries are the most cost-effective of all battery categories. Considering the manufacturing cost, the value of lead-acid batteries is self-evident.battery cell machine

2. High safety performance

The characteristics of lead-acid batteries make them inherently non-flammable, and the batteries are designed for normal pressure and low voltage, so that even in the case of overcharge and discharge, there will be few safety problems, so that owners can use them with greater confidence.prismatic cell assembly

However, lithium batteries are fully charged with more energy storage, in the extrusion, puncture or high temperature conditions are prone to cause safety hazards, safety performance is not as good as lead-acid batteries. However, with the gradual maturation of technology, I believe that the performance of lithium batteries will tend to stabilize.

3. Inexpensive

Here the price is relatively cheap for the protection of consumers to analyze the perspective of consideration, lithium batteries have a small size, large capacity, but the corresponding manufacturing costs are high, so the price is also much higher than the lead-acid battery technology. And equipped with lithium battery electric car, the selling price is usually we have to carry lead-acid batteries than the electric car expensive thousands of dollars.

If the customer just want to buy a car, for electric car performance requirements are not too high, naturally will choose a reasonable price of lead-acid batteries. Or, an ordinary electric car with lead-acid batteries can actually meet the needs of daily travel.

How to choose between lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries?

If you are entangled in lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries how to choose, it is recommended that the range of 60-70 kilometers or less preferred lead-acid batteries, because the range is too short, the choice of lithium batteries is a bit of a "big deal"; if the budget is sufficient, and the range of the electric car requirements, you can choose to equip the lithium battery electric car.

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Pack some emblys.The majority of battery packs use nickel trip for contact while being pot-welded together. Directly connecting to the cell is risky for the cell. If the heat is too intense, it is simple to melt or disturb the safety vent, thwack the seal, or cause internal horting.