On the operation page, you can view the Click to Select File button.

How to edit a PDF? Easy!

If you often work with computers, you must know that PDF is the most convenient circulation format, circuit printing service good compatibility. Do you know how to edit PDF? For example, delete text, have not found the right way to small partners may be very headache. It‘s actually very simple. The following Xiaobian will tell you about it.

Method 1: use a professional PDF editor for deletion

Open the editor and add the PDF file you want to edit to the action page. PCB fabrication company There are two ways to add a file, one is to click the“File”-“Open” button to find a PDF file to edit, the other is to click the“Open” button to find a PDF file, both methods can achieve the same effect. You can choose whatever you want.

After adding Content, go to the top of the page and click the Edit Content button. Content editing includes all content, text, images, and shapes. You can choose according to your own needs. china PCB Today, Siao gives you an example using“Plain text”.

Click plain text to go to the page for text deletion. Just click on“Plain text” and you can go to the action page, cut or add what you need. It was so simple that Lindeberg could read it as if it were typing a Word document.

Save the file. After deleting the PDF file, click“File”-“Save as” to select the appropriate location and the deleted PDF file will be saved.

Method 2: Use PDF converter to delete online education websites.

Search for “PDF online editing“ or “PDF online editing“ in your browser, find the PDF online converter, then click on the action page and click “Document processing“ - “PDF editing“ - “PDF Delete text“ to enter the action page.

On the operation page, you can view the Click to Select File button. Click to add the PDF file to the page, then you can delete and modify the text.

The above is a small series of sharing, very simple, small partners as far as possible, oh, if you like small series of sharing can be the same as at the bottom of the page, pay attention to small series of bookmarks OH

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