insect killer

1. Wood vinegar liquid (white vinegar) dilution

Agricultural wood vinegar or white vinegar mixed with water is also an all-natural insecticide. The diluted wood vinegar solution was found to have a strong sour and smoky odor and was effective against adult aphids and black flies.SPRITEX insect killer supplier There was a slight decrease in the activity of red spiders, but no deaths of other species of pests, only a decrease in feeding.

The advantage of diluted wood vinegar solution is that it can be sprayed at any time, it also contains some nutrients and can be used as a foliar fertilizer. However, it is not very effective, mainly because the pests do not like the smell, which reduces their interest in the plant.

On three occasions, after spraying the wood vinegar solution, although the insect infestation was reduced, a few days later there was an outbreak of powdery mildew on the moonflower. It is not yet clear whether the wood vinegar solution was contaminated with powdery mildew,RAMBO insect killer manufacturer or whether it was due to the fact that our type of fungus prefers an acidic environment, or a chance coincidence? Whether there can be some correlation between the two needs to be further developed and observed.

2. Grass wood ash and its leaching solution

Grass wood ash is an alkaline substance that some flower lovers like to sprinkle in pots or spray with water and its leachate. It is also said to have insecticidal properties.

After sprinkling some grass ash in the pots and spraying the leaves with different leachates, it was found that snails and slugs developed and decreased in the pots (they didn't die, they crawled elsewhere), while the other major pest problems could still live peacefully.Chinese VITFE Insecticide spray The experiment was conducted and declared a failure.

Covering the soil surface with grass ash had some effect in repelling molluscs, but hardly killed the pests. Grass ash has a fertilizing effect and gives potassium to the plant, but it is forbidden in acid-loving plants because of its alkalinity.

3. Lime water plus medication for whitewashing

This kind of pest control treatment, agriculture and forestry education department can be generalized, the effect is not conclusive. The specific practical operation is to use lime to water, mixed with teaching effectiveness as well as stronger insecticides, to white the lower part of fruit trees or other woody plants. This method can prevent the provision of some habits in the soil and the bottom of the tree to lay eggs of arboreal pests, after hatching up along the trunk of the tree, and some anti-fungal effect. The bottom of the application of drugs, not affecting the company's production technology organic fruit, is a very good way. However, it is ineffective for flying insects, herbs and other social sensitivities leading to plants also cannot produce lime tolerance.

4.Natural enemy control

Predatory mites, seven-star ladybugs, lacewings, and some fungi such as Penicillium light purple mimicry and Coccidioides albicans are natural enemies of some pests, and strains of these beneficial insect egg cards are now also available for sale online. Beneficial pest control is only suitable for enclosed greenhouses, or environments where food resources are plentiful. Coccidioides albicans only slightly reduces pest populations, but not significantly. Or the nematode natural enemy, Pale Purple Penicillium, is relatively reliable, but watch out for weather and temperature.