SAP Things - Theory -21- "Tao" and "technique" in the field of Enterprise Informatization

SAP Things - Theory -21- "Tao" and "technique" in the field of Enterprise Informatization

We often see the word "Daoshu" in some literary and artistic works related to gods and ghosts, such as the "canonization list" that we are familiar with, who is high in "Daoshu", who is strong in "magic power", and whose "combat power" is explosive. nvidia partner Understood in this way, "Tao" is a measure of how powerful a person is.

In fact, in Chinese Taoist culture, "Tao" and "art" are two levels of things, and many of the words we use now often express only one meaning, which is not as rich as the original meaning, such as "poverty", now only represents the meaning of "poor", without the meaning of "poor", while in ancient times "poor" represented no money (wealth, poor under the word is "Bei", "Bei"). SAP Outsourcing The word with "bei" is generally related to wealth), "poor" means that there is no road, the traditional Chinese "poor" writing "poor", the initial meaning of people hunched in the cave, not extended, and later mainly used to express the state of difficulty and unambition. The antonym of "poor" is "rich", and the antonym of "poor" is "da", for example, in "Mencius" there is a saying that "poor is alone, and da is both helping the world".

Ok, so since "Tao" and "art" are two levels of meaning, what do they mean respectively? The meaning of the word "Dao" in our Chinese culture is too rich, it is estimated that three days and three nights can not be finished, we can only say that "Dao" represents a very high level of regularity, and "Shu" represents some specific method. smart waste management In our traditional Taoist culture, there are different levels of "moral sorcerer", and Chinese medicine also has "principle of law, prescription and medicine". In short, we can simply understand that "Tao" is a theory, "art" is a method, theory is used to guide the method, the method is used to improve the theory (generally will not overturn the "Tao").

Next, only with my personal limited experience and experience to explain my understanding of enterprise informatization "Tao" level.

In the final analysis, enterprise informatization is the use of technical means to improve the efficiency of business operation, which is doomed to itself is a "technique", a "tool", a "means", rather than "purpose", "goal", which is the biggest positioning of enterprise informatization;

Since it is a "technique" and a "tool", it determines that there are capabilities, there must be shortcomings, there must be strengths, there must be shortcomings, as for whether to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses, or to promote weaknesses and avoid strengths, lies in the use of people, rather than the "tool" itself, that is to say, if the enterprise informatization is not done well, it must be the problem of people (even if there is no choice of the right technology and system). It is also a choice made by people), rather than a problem of the system and technology itself, which is the most important understanding of enterprise informatization;

As the so-called "every man has his weaknesses and every inch has his strengths", the successful enterprise informatization must give full play to the advantages of the technology or system used and avoid its shortcomings as far as possible. This is the same as employing people, a person who is good at communication and exchange, if only to sit in the office to write code, is useless good people, a person who is good at rational analysis and thinking, but is sent to socialize every day, it is also the wrong person. As with people, so with technology and systems.

The boundary between the system and the business is very important, the system does, or is suitable for the system to do, as far as possible to the system to do, the intervention, the latter is suitable for people to do, continue to exert the initiative of people to do. Systems and people, each do their job, each do their best, the best. There is a clear positioning between the system and the system, and there is a clear positioning between the system and the person, and the rest of the things will be much easier to do.

Between the system and people, there is also the existence of business, and it is the existence of business that drives the link between people and systems. What kind of business process or business state is suitable for systematization and informationization, and what kind of business process or business state is not suitable for systematization and informationization, the people who implement and participate in enterprise informatization should have a clear understanding of it. The better the effect of information implementation, in fact, this still reflects how to make full use of the advantages of the system.

Summary: Systems are tools, not ends; The system should serve the business, but it has its applicability, not all the business is suitable for systematization, information; Whether the system is used well or not is always decided by people, and how the enterprise informatization effect is, people are the first determining factor.

There should be more "techniques" in enterprise informatization, and my personal understanding is as follows:

Anything, the first person, people settle down, especially the right person, select the right person (the right person not only includes the right person to do things, but also includes the right person responsible for communication and coordination) the project is half of the success;

Reasonable project planning, the core purpose of the plan is to occupy the first place, that is, to achieve the task of the project in accordance with the priority to occupy, occupy the position of the relevant participants, the position of the station time, the purpose of occupying is to allocate resources in advance, important tasks to ensure adequate resources;

Determine the core solution, which corresponds to the core business (including data) and the core 㤹 (including system hardware and software architecture, etc.). It should be determined as soon as possible in the early stage, and once determined, it can not be changed arbitrarily, and subsequent peripheral schemes will be expanded based on this core scheme;

Appropriate rewards and punishments to stimulate people's initiative, in essence, it is necessary to let users at all levels realize the benefits of this system;

Quickly find out the biggest constraints of the project, such as resources, technology, so that the final effect of the project can be achieved in mind;

To start user testing as soon as possible is to make use of iterative and agile ideas as much as possible, after determining the core scheme, quickly deploy the system, let the system test with the core scheme, and quickly iterate, and finally complete the delivery of the system.