Could you grant a degree to a Sim?

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Which subject makes NTU well-known?

Five of NTU's subject offerings are in the top 10 worldwide. The top three subjects are Materials Science (3rd), Electrical & Electronic Engineering (6th), Communication & Media Studies (8th), Chemistry (9th), and Civil & Structural Engineering (10th place). An additional six NTU programs are in the top 20 worldwide.sim indicative grade profile

Does Harvard publish a list of deans?

The outstanding legacy of Dean's List has been carried on by its alumni, who have gone on to study in esteemed universities in China and outside. The officially recognized student organization at Harvard College, the Harvard College Association for U.S.-China Relations, is in charge of running Dean's List.

A 4.15 GPA-is that good?

The answer varies depending on the college, however unweighted GPAs of 3.0 or higher are preferred by most. Strong GPAs, which range from 4.0 to 5.3 on a weighted scale, show universities that you're pursuing difficult coursework (AP, Dual Enrolled, etc.) and maintaining A's and B's in those course in singapore

Why is NTU in such high regard?

The university's research citations, the faculty's international diversity, and other factors are heavily weighted in the QS World University Rankings methodology. Research papers are produced in large quantities and NUS and NTU are renowned for their extensive research facilities.

What is an acceptable GPA at NTU?

(3) CGPA range classification for degrees Honors College Class4-year course of study three-year scheduleClass 4.50 - 5.00 * First Class4..00 - 4.49 Upper Second Class Upper Class3.50 - 3.99 Second Class Lower Lower Class Second Class

A GPA of 4.35 is good?

A 4.3 GPA greatly increases a student's chances of admission to highly regarded universities. An around 3.0 GPA is considered the national average. Candidates with a GPA above 3.0 are accepted into nearly half of the nation's institutions.

Are anticipated grades accepted at HKU?

After you submit your application, you cannot change the referee's or counselor's contact information or invitation. To support your application, you can ask your counselor to submit a reference, transcript, and any expected or forecasted results.mysimapp

What is a good IB score, 35?

US Academic InstitutionsAlthough several non-academic elements are at play, an IB score of 38+ is generally regarded as an excellent result. A total score in the 40s will make you a more competitive candidate academically. You definitely don't want to be falling below the 36-point threshold if you're trying to get into the Ivies.

What NUS percentile is B+?

MSG and GPAGrading Ratio Points for Grade85-100 4.0 A+A 70-84B+ 65–69 3.5>B 60–64 3.0