In comparison to air sterilization

Although there are cleaning tools such as sweeping robots and vacuum cleaners at home, electric mop cordless electric spin mopit is impossible to avoid using a mop; after all, there are many stubborn stains on the ground, which must be vigorously removed in order for the miracle to work. Using a mop was a waist and hand thing until I discovered a magical tool - the steam mop.

During the epidemic, major e-commerce sell steam mop, claiming that you can destroy the bacteria in the room with high temperature, high temperature, and a very strong cleaning effect, to make mopping this thing easy. That steam mop in the end is a tool to free your hands, or is it a chore to add to the trouble?

How does a steam mop work?

From a structural standpoint, a steam mop is actually a large iron, but on the ironing side of the clothes attached to the mop, there are also many small nozzles to release steam. The main control circuit, heating body, water tank, water pump, nozzle connector, shell parts, mop head accessories, and so on are the main components.

After the main board for the heating body power supply, a high-pressure high-flow water pump drives the entire water flow, generating a lot of high-temperature water vapor. The majority of steam mops on the market are wired, so there is no range anxiety, but there is water renewal anxiety.

Is the 02 steam mop better than the regular mop?

Home kitchen floors are frequently stained with a variety of grease; if not cleaned on best electric steam mopa regular basis, stubborn dirt will become firmly adhered to the floor surface; each sweep, but also have to use the wire ball + cleaner to be completely clear.

In theory, high temperature steam at 100 degrees Celsius can melt the ground on these adhesives, and the steam on the adhesive dilution can be very effective in cleaning the ground stains. In my actual experience, I can really feel the super cleaning power of the steam mop, especially in the kitchen, balcony, and sofa near the place where I frequently walk around, which can easily handle without detergent.

Furthermore, the steam mop can produce 100 degrees Celsius high temperature steam while also providing additional sterilization. Listeria, salmonella, E. coli, and other pathogens are examples. If there are small children at home who like to crawl on the ground and see what nibbles, or if family electric mop vs steam mopmembers prefer to walk barefoot in the house, the high temperature sterilization function can be turned on to a certain extent to avoid various infections caused by bacteria.

And a regular mop + cleaning agent may not necessarily play a good role in disinfection, because the key steam will not have residual, avoiding secondary pollution of the room.

During an epidemic, many consumers only see the four words "disinfection and sterilization," and their two eyes light up. In comparison to air sterilization, UV sterilization has a more direct physical contact. There are many mop head attachments for steam mop, including doors and windows, as well as furniture disinfection.

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Kärcher steam cleaners ensure optimal hygiene and a healthy living environment by eliminating up to 99.9%* of enveloped viruses and up to 99.9%** of household bacteria. Kärcher is moving full speed forward in any room, including the kitchen, the bathroom, and even the floors! from Germany.