Which is better: a scrubber, a vacuum cleaner, or a sweeping machine? Do not purchase again; instead, carefully consider my advice.

First and foremost, if you believe you are a lazy person, the need for cleaning is not as great, and your home is not as filthy, then the first choice is undoubtedly a sweeping robot, open the machine and do not care, after cleaning, it is equivalent to hiring a cleaning aunt, so a calculation feels quite cost-effective, after all, cleaning aunt a month or two of wages, almost can buy one, but cost-effective to cost-effective, good to use to good, today I

The first issue is that it is easy to become entangled in the line; almost all sweeping robots cannot avoid this problem; even more expensive sweeping robots cannot guarantee that they will not become entangled in the line, and there may even be damage to the line; if you want to buy, there must be a good line storage, so it is more suitable, the home does not have too much complex furniture, and the space is relatively simple family.

The second problem, if you are an acute person, or home pets, children, easy to create garbage, then you are also more cautious, it is also easy to idle, I have met some people, think sweeper people cleaning very slow, a place back and forth back and forth, it is better to clean it yourself, in fact, you buy a sweeping robot, you have to learn to do other things on their own, let it slowly clean on the line, if If you can't stand to keep an eye on it, you must feel slow.

The third problem, as I said before, because of its structure, there is a little distance on each side, so when mopping, two to three centimeters from the wall, it is not dragged, there will be cleaning dead ends, this is also the majority of the current sweeping robot, there is no way to solve the problem, and then like the kitchen and bathroom, some of the more stubborn stains, there are many sweeping robot cleaning is not clean. This point should be prepared first because, in addition to the sweeping robot, the update iteration is very fast and frequently a large update.

Suction power is strong enough to clean everything, such ascommercial wet and dry vacuum cleaner the kitchen spilled oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and rice, and the bathroom splashed all over where the water, these can be sucked, and is sucked and dragged as one, cleaning up is also very easy, mopping, even the vacuum cleaner can do the work of a piece of dry, in fact, walk around the house, clean, but the point is, you choose, there are a few points to note.

First, because the scrubber is relatively heavy, it is best to choose the kind of dual-assist, what do you mean, for example, or take our home this example, Timco's Fu Wan three point zero, it is this is to go forward, he will help forward, you backward when it will also help backward, and its help will be stronger, it is not like the ordinary scrubber, it is not like the brush alone to help. It is not like ordinary scrubbers, which rely solely on the brush for assistance. It has two wheels behind it, a positive and negative drive motor, so even if it is heavy, cleaning will be very easy, and its intelligent algorithm, which can automatically go forward or backward as long as it is carried, will make cleaning easier.

The second important thing to note is the range, one iswset the water range, one is the electric range, can not just look at the electric range, because some scrubbers, with the time, really a moment without electricity, a moment without water, a moment the sewage tank is full, tossing and turning is very tired, it is better to manually go to drag it, so buy, must look at the electric range, but also look at the water range, for example, my home is the electric range, water The third point to consider when purchasing water is that you cannot be certain that the water can be used for forty minutes, that you do not need to change the water, and that you do not need to charge a breath.

The third thing to remember is to read the comments section or reviews before purchasing, because some scrubbers are really good, but after using, it is easy to mold and smell, especially in the south, because it is a wet brush, so choose, either air-drying function, or there are other, like bacteria removal technology, or air-drying technology, like Timco's this, it is homemade electrolytic water to remove bacteria, in addition to Plus a few minutes of centrifugal force

If you want to suck suction bed and sofa in addition to moppingqs top universities and sweeping, vacuum cleaners are a better choice. Vacuum cleaners should be very familiar, there isn't much to say, the advantage is that it can be sucked in addition to the ground, will be equipped with a lot of a variety of heads, more than you know what for, such as suction bed, suction sofa, suction hair, suction corners. The disadvantage is obvious, is not to mop the floor, you have to be another whole mopping, or manual mopping