5 aspects let you know how to plan personal finance wisely

1, good asset planning. Cash planning is mainly a reasonable distribution of funds in hand, can be in different stages of different situations, are able to have a timely replenishment loan of funds. Reasonable distribution, can make themselves in a variety of situations can cope with.

2, avoid impulse spending. Consumption is unavoidable in daily life, but your consumption is really necessary? In today's online shopping is so developed in the social context, a lot of consumption is impulsive consumption, hot-headed on the purchase of things that are not often used, such as a book opened to read two pages of the book, but also may be a piece of clothing worn once, to reduce this type of consumption, saving down to save a lot of money can be accumulated.

3, choose the right investment. Personal finance at different stages need to choose a suitable financial platform and financial products according to their own conditions. According to the current demand and asset status rational judgement. Common financial products include bank deposits, treasury bonds, currency funds, corporate bonds and so on.

4. Prepare education funds. Whether it is for the children or for themselves, this money can not be saved, through learning, to enhance their own value to achieve the goal of life or financial goals, the thing itself is to create value, no matter at what stage of life, learning is endless.

5, risk management and insurance planning. Personal ploan finance investment will be risky, there is a risk that there must be appropriate insurance measures. Financial planning must pay attention to risk avoidance, reasonable investment within the affordable range, so the main purpose of insurance is to protect the risk, under the premise of safety to obtain benefits.