The Three Golden Periods of Brain DevelopmentHowever, some students' parents are worried: their children can grow up we do not need to be smart,algal oil dha learning math scores are not good, I do not know if the Chinese college entrance examination can not pass ah! Blame yourself for not giving him earlier to supplement the brain ah! So,Cabio what is the best practice time to supplement the child's brain this time? How to give your child the best brain supplement?

The Three Golden Periods of Brain Development

There are three stages in a person's life that are the golden period of brain development.

Stage 1: 3 ~ 6 months of pregnancy

This period is known as the "growth" stage of the brain, the number of brain cells increases by 250,000 per minute.

Stage 2: 6 months to 3 years of age after birth

This is the "quality" stage of the brain, in which the baby's brain nerve cell bodies are still growing, and the brain nerve cells are rapidly dividing and proliferating to form nerve channels that send messages to the brain.

Stage 3: 3 to 6 years old

This is the last golden period of human brain development, and human brain development will sprint during this period. As we grow older, our body's absorption function weakens, so you must seize the opportunity to give your child the nutrients he or she needs in a timely manner.

2. Several substances that promote brain development

1. Protein

Protein is the best "building material" for children's growth and development. Children who lack protein are often lower in height, weight and IQ than their peers. Protein-rich foods: lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs and milk, beans and their products.

Protein supplementation enterprise can also through the "food supplement", for example, for our own usually eat meat, soy products, etc., every day to carry out a reasonable control of the diet, balanced diet, to ensure that the system mentioned above the source of some of the food, you can get to ensure that the intake of sufficient protein.

Tip: Some parents find it difficult to give their children protein powder, but the amount of protein our bodies need is enough to meet our daily food intake.

2. Vitamins

Scientists believe that of all the vitamins, the B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E have the greatest impact on intelligence. The human brain nervous system is particularly sensitive to B vitamins, and a deficiency of vitamin B1 will most likely lead to the decline of brain nerve cells and memory function.

Vitamin-rich foods: Pork, fish, cereals, beans, vegetables, fruits, barley, wheat, millet, brown rice, corn, pork - these foods contain more vitamin B1, fruits and vegetables more vitamin c, fish, cod liver oil more vitamin d.

3. Iodine

Iodine is very important for the development of the human nervous system. Children with chronic iodine deficiency have a much lower IQ than their peers.

Iodine-rich foods: kelp, seaweed and a variety of seafood, pregnant women's physiological need for iodine is about twice as much as normal people, breastfeeding mothers are also iodine-deficient sensitive target population, once the lack of iodine is very likely to have an impact on the level of development of our newborn's brain system development. Therefore, iodine supplementation from the mother-to-be pregnant with a baby company, you can increase the consumption of iodine-rich foods in China in the daily study and life.

4. Fats

Fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid, are an important part of our nerve cell membranes and retinas, promoting the development of brain cells. For example, we know that DHA is also a fat, but the body's requirement for DHA is extremely low, and DHA should never be overdone for Darling parents!

Fat-rich foods:

The fats we mentioned earlier are linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is generally available from animal and vegetable oils, while alpha-linoleic acid is available from soybean and vegetable oils.

Tip: No matter what oil you use, try to avoid it if it smells bad because it may have gone rancid. The brain has absorbed the rancid cooking oil and its functions are likely to be affected.

5. Trace elements

Zinc, iron and copper are three trace elements that are particularly important for intelligence.

Zinc is known as the "Chinese Element of Wisdom" and is an essential nutrient for improving the IQ of our children. Zinc deficiency can lead to delayed intellectual development, poor concentration, and reduced immune system function.

Iron is the main element in the synthesis of red blood cells in the human body, children like to cry, wake up, sleep leg cramps and wake up, mental, anorexia, picky eaters, growth retardation, frequent dizziness, knee pain, cramps, insomnia, colds, fever, cough, diarrhea, attention span, poor comprehension, poor memory, poor academic performance, are common manifestations of iron deficiency.

The main role of copper is to assist the body in hematopoiesis, i.e., to catalyze the synthesis of hemoglobin. Copper deficiency in children affects the absorption of iron, which in turn affects the growth and development of the brain and body.

Foods rich in micronutrients:

Foods high in zinc include oysters, apples, animal liver, lean meats, whole grains, dried fruits and beans. Eating animal liver, kidneys, egg yolks, fish, shrimp, shellfish, spinach, kelp and yams are high in iron. Copper-rich foods include red meat, whole grains, nuts, soybeans, potatoes, and apples.

Finally, in order to improve your child's intelligence, in addition to reasonable intake of food to promote intellectual development, you should also encourage your child to strengthen their exercise and develop independent thinking ability, so that you can really improve your child's intelligence and make your child's future more secure!