OMEGA-3 fatty acids are very important for our bodies. We all know that it has some amazing health benefits.There are three main types of Omega-3 fatty acids ALA, EPA, and DHA which are all polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The two fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are highly regarded for their cardioprotective effects.

OMEGA-3 fatty acids play an important role in human health by: improving heart health, contributing to mental health, reducing body weight and waist circumference, reducing liver fat, supporting brain development in infants, combating inflammation, preventing dementia, promoting bone health, preventing asthma, and more.dha certification

And our bodies don't make Omega-3 fatty acids on their own. Therefore, we must get this essential element in our diet.

Fish and some other seafood, such as salmon, herring, sardines and tuna, are excellent sources of Omega-3 material.

In addition to fish, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, canola oil, soybean oil, cod liver oil, Antarctic krill and eggs are all rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.sialic acid market

Let's take a look at how Omega-3 fatty acids help the body stay healthy.

Reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD): Ensure that your diet contains adequate amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids to avoid the risk of AMD. DHA is an important structural component of the retina, so it's important to consume Omega-3 because the DHA in it prevents dryness of the eyes and promotes the proper drainage of fluids from the eye, thus reducing the risk of glaucoma and high intraocular pressure (IOP).food ingredients asia Eating foods rich in Omega-3 can significantly improve vision.

Benefits for cardiovascular health: Eating foods rich in Omega-3s as they lower triglycerides, lower blood pressure, increase levels of "good" HDL cholesterol, and prevent the formation of harmful blood clots and plaque on artery walls are all ways to ensure a healthy heart.

Good for Rheumatoid Arthritis: If you are suffering from this disease or trying to avoid becoming a victim of this chronic disease, consumption of Omega-3 rich foods is highly recommended. Timely consumption of Omega-3 supplements as well as necessary arthritis medications can be effective in relieving chronic pain, acute stiffness and swollen joints.

Good for Brain Health: About 40% of the unsaturated fat in the brain is made up of Dha. OMEGA-3 fatty acids can prevent Alzheimer's disease, depression, and anxiety, and adequate intake of OMEGA-3 fatty acids is beneficial for improving mood swings.

Beneficial to fight autoimmune diseases: Through consistent and adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids, autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and psoriasis can be fought.