
Bounce rate, as the name suggests, is the percentage of total visits that visitors leave after visiting only the website entrance (such as the homepage). The higher the bounce rate, the less attractive your corporate website is to users. Therefore,google seo course singapore the bounce rate is an important technical criterion for measuring the service quality of a company's website. Similarly, it is also a very important factor indicator that can measure the extent to which an SEOER optimizes and develops the website.

As an SEOER, how to effectively reduce the search bounce rate through constant thinking will become one of the magic weapons in future ranking battles. So, at this point, we must ask a question - what are the factors that affect the rebound rate?

1. Traffic channels

As we all know,google seo optimization guide users who come in through advertisements are basically attracted by the advertisement at a certain point and have the mentality of taking a look. If the website has no features, users will not spend much time on it. Users who visit by searching keywords will have relatively good traffic quality, and the bounce rate of the website can be analyzed through Baidu statistics.

2. Relevance of landing page and search intent

This is the most basic and important point.seo agency singapore Imagine a visitor’s goal is to lose weight, but he sees pregnancy-related content and he has to jump right out.

3. Comprehensive browsing speed

The development of web browsing speed is also one of the important economic factors that affects the bounce rate of corporate websites. If users visit the website and the jump time of one of our management pages is too long, and the user information is not patiently waited, they will choose to leave by directly closing the window. Search engines It will be considered that the user experience of this website is not good, and naturally it will not be given a good ranking. The user can accept a waiting time of 3 seconds when opening the web page. Therefore, the opening speed of the website needs to be further optimized.

4. Content quality

The website has a large number of high-quality original articles, which can provide users with readability. Users enter the website by searching for keywords, and the content of the articles can meet the needs of users. Content quality is conducive to improving the inclusion of website content and increasing the weight of the website. Only when the weight of the website is increased can a large number of long-tail words be ranked.

How to carry out detailed promotion from the above aspects and every link requires every SEOER to think carefully.