How to insert, delete, replace, and rotate pages in a PDF file

As we manage our daily work, we often encounter problems with PDF documents, sometimes we need to insert a blank page in the PDF of the document or other relevant documents, or delete, replace, split, extract, rotate, and certain information pages.

So, today I will share with you a PDF that shows you how to perform these operations.

It is a powerful PDF editing software that has been used since its discovery.

Version of the operating system: Windows 7

Page Insertion

The first step is to open the PDF file and click on the "Organization Page" function icon in the right toolbar.

Step 2: Select the location of the blank page to be inserted, right-click, and then select the page can be inserted into a page,combine pdfs for free windows and then insert a data file or blank page of information (note that they must be before or after the selected page).

This page can be used to extract pages, replace pages, delete pages, and rotate pages.

Using the "Cut" button in the figure below, you can reorder the pages. You can also select a page and drag it to its proper position. Copy the same page and paste it elsewhere.

Without displaying the function, partners can slowly explore, interested partners are welcome to explore together without displaying the function.

Page split

Once the setup is complete, click the blue Split Tool button, it will be split into multiple PDF files according to the number of pages.